Buy US Gold Eagles
Every single day, in the shop, we are asked about gold; why is it important, what is the price, is it a good investment? Gold in general...

St. Valentine's Day
Do you remember that quote "Happy wife happy life"? Well if you forgot it, here's a refresher. I would like to emphasize on how important...

Reminiscing about a lovely lady
It was a normal Friday a few years ago. It was the two of us working here, doing our daily duties. A customer came in. It was a homily...

Dancing Kachina
This is an incredible work of art, sterling silver pendant with a turquoise inlay in the pattern of a Kachina dancing on top of a stand....

Jewelry of Judith Ripka
About Judith Ripka: Judith Ripka was born in the Bronx in Northern New York of European immigrants. Now she is one of the top jewelry...